Public buildings

Connection of public buildings

Connection of public buildings

2021-06-30 00:00:00

Public buildings 's contacts

Public buildings The traffic connection part can generally be divided into three basic spatial forms: horizontal traffic, vertical traffic and hub traffic.

 Public buildings

Key points of horizontal traffic layout:

It should be straightforward, avoid twists and turns, closely connected with each part of the space, and should have good lighting and lighting. For example, walkways.

Key points of vertical traffic layout:

The location and quantity shall be determined according to the functional requirements and fire protection requirements. It shall be close to the traffic hub, evenly arranged, primary and secondary, and suitable for the number of people.

Public buildings Key points of transportation hub layout:

Easy to use, decent space, reasonable structure, proper decoration, economical and effective. Both the use function and the creation of space artistic conception should be considered.

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