Public buildings

What are commercial and residential buildings

What are commercial and residential buildings

2020-11-25 15:05:18

When many people are buying houses, they find that most of the current buildings are commercial and residential buildings. Because in recent years, the development speed of commercial and residential buildings is very amazing. However, too many people are not sure what commercial and residential buildings are. Let's discuss it in depth!

What is? Commercial and residential buildings



In fact, commercial and residential buildings refer to the types of commercial and residential buildings. Generally speaking, commercial and residential buildings are comprehensive buildings with shops and shopping malls on the first floor, while others are residential buildings. In addition, the land for commercial and residential buildings may be comprehensive land or commercial land. According to Chinese family rules, the land use life of such rooms is about 40 to 50 years.

Commercial and residential Architecture What are the advantages and disadvantages?

one Commercial and residential Architecture benefit

a. In any case, it will not be affected by purchase restrictions.

b. The unit price is relatively cheap.

c. Relatively speaking, it will be better geographically.

d. Commercial and residential buildings can not only live, but also register for office.

2 Commercial and residential Architecture inferiority

a. Commercial and residential Architecture 50% down payment is required, and provident fund loan cannot be used.

b. After the purchase of commercial and residential buildings, the household registration cannot be settled and there is no school district distribution.

c. If business and residence Architecture With more office buildings, internal and external employees will be confused.

d. Commercial and residential Architecture Most of them are for commercial use, and all property fees are relatively high.

e. Commercial and residential Architecture Its service life is only about 40 to 50 years.

f. Commercial and residential Architecture The taxes to be paid later will be higher.

Disadvantages of

a. Commercial and residential Architecture 50% down payment is required, and provident fund loan cannot be used.

b. After the purchase of commercial and residential buildings, the household registration cannot be settled and there is no school district distribution.

c. If there are more commercial and residential buildings than office buildings, internal and external employees will be confused.

d. Commercial and residential Architecture Most of them are for commercial use, and all property fees are relatively high.

e. Commercial and residential Architecture Its service life is only about 40 to 50 years.

f. Commercial and residential Architecture The taxes to be paid later will be higher.

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